• Limited ClassPass spots is a healthy sign of studio growth

  • ClassPass is a third-party booking tool that uses its own proprietary “SmartSpot” algorithm (*not controlled by LFBA) to ensure prime spots are always protected for direct bookings with LFBA (Memberships or Class Packages)

    • Spots are projected based on our historical fill rate and member demand

    • For example, when a class is newly added to the schedule, you’ll notice 8-10 spots can be filled by ClassPass

    • Once that class time builds a regular following, the SmartSpot algorithm will consider this as “high-demand” therefore will slowly wean out ClassPass spots

  • Direct Members and Class Package holders get priority and advanced seating always and especially for high-demand classes

    • ClassPass is simply a tool to help fill open spots (sometimes last minute!)

    • However, even if there are spots left open, that does not mean they are open to ClassPass